Return to vocabulary index | Vocabulary List le bureau - the office |
Audio by Daniel | Click French word to hear. | |||||||||
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Français | Anglais | English | French | |||||||
le | bureau [1] | the | office | the | office | le | bureau [1] | |||
le | bureau [2] | the | desk | the | book | le | livre | |||
le | cahier | the | notebook | the | central processing unit | l' | unité centrale [f] | |||
la | chaise | the | chair | the | chair | la | chaise | |||
les | ciseaux | the | scissors | the | compass | le | compas | |||
le | classeur | the | ring binder | the | computer | l' | ordinateur [m] | |||
le | clavier | the | keyboard | the | desk | le | bureau [2] | |||
la | colle | the | glue | the | drawer | le | tiroir | |||
le | compas | the | compass | the | eraser | la | gomme | |||
le | crayon à papier | the | pencil | the | glue | la | colle | |||
l' | écran [m] | the | screen | the | keyboard | le | clavier | |||
l' | équerre [f] | the | set square | the | lamp | la | lampe | |||
la | gomme | the | eraser | the | mouse | la | souris | |||
la | lampe | the | lamp | the | notebook | le | cahier | |||
le | livre | the | book | the | pen | le | stylo | |||
l' | ordinateur [m] | the | computer | the | pencil | le | crayon à papier | |||
la | règle | the | ruler | the | pencil case | la | trousse | |||
la | souris | the | mouse | the | pencil sharpener | le | taille-crayon | |||
le | stylo | the | pen | the | ring binder | le | classeur | |||
le | taille-crayon | the | pencil sharpener | the | ruler | la | règle | |||
le | tiroir | the | drawer | the | scissors | les | ciseaux | |||
la | trousse | the | pencil case | the | screen | l' | écran [m] | |||
l' | unité centrale [f] | the | central processing unit | the | set square | l' | équerre [f] | |||
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