Return to vocabulary index | Vocabulary List la campagne - the countryside |
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Français | Anglais | English | French | |||||||
la | campagne | the | countryside | the | countryside | la | campagne | |||
le | bois | the | woods | the | beach | la | plage | |||
le | campagnard | the | country dweller [m] | the | bridge | le | pont | |||
la | campagnarde | the | country dweller [f] | the | camp-site | le | camping | |||
le | camping | the | camp-site | the | cliff | la | falaise | |||
la | canne à pêche | the | fishing rod | the | country dweller [f] | la | campagnarde | |||
le | champ | the | field | the | country dweller [m] | le | campagnard | |||
la | colline | the | hill | the | farm | la | ferme | |||
l' | étang [m] | the | pond | the | farmer [f] | la | fermière | |||
l' | excursion à pied [f] | the | hike | the | farmer [m] | le | fermier | |||
la | falaise | the | cliff | the | field | le | champ | |||
la | ferme | the | farm | the | fish | le | poisson | |||
le | fermier | the | farmer [m] | the | fishing rod | la | canne à pêche | |||
la | fermière | the | farmer [f] | the | forest | la | forêt | |||
le | fleuve | the | river | the | grass | l' | herbe [f] | |||
la | forêt | the | forest | the | hike | l' | excursion à pied [f] | |||
l' | herbe [f] | the | grass | the | hill | la | colline | |||
l' | île [f] | the | island | the | island | l' | île [f] | |||
le | lac | the | lake | the | lake | le | lac | |||
la | mer | the | sea | the | mountain | la | montagne | |||
la | montagne | the | mountain | the | peace | la | paix | |||
la | paix | the | peace | the | plain | la | plaine | |||
la | plage | the | beach | the | pond | l' | étang [m] | |||
la | plaine | the | plain | the | river | le | fleuve | |||
le | poisson | the | fish | the | sea | la | mer | |||
le | pont | the | bridge | the | small river | la | rivière | |||
la | rivière | the | small river | the | solitude | la | solitude | |||
la | solitude | the | solitude | the | valley | la | vallée | |||
la | vallée | the | valley | the | village | le | village | |||
le | village | the | village | the | volcano | le | volcan | |||
le | volcan | the | volcano | the | woods | le | bois | |||
bronzé | tanned | calm | tranquille [2] | |||||||
isolé | isolated | isolated | isolé | |||||||
paisible | peaceful | peaceful | paisible | |||||||
rustique | rustic | rustic | rustique | |||||||
tranquille [1] | tranquil | tanned | bronzé | |||||||
tranquille [2] | calm | tranquil | tranquille [1] | |||||||
aller à la pêche | to go fishing | to camp | faire du camping [2] | |||||||
attraper un poisson | to catch a fish | to catch a fish | attraper un poisson | |||||||
coucher à la belle étoile | to sleep outdoors | to climb | monter | |||||||
faire de la bicyclette | to go bicycle riding | to get tanned | se bronzer | |||||||
faire du camping [1] | to go camping | to go bicycle riding | faire de la bicyclette | |||||||
faire du camping [2] | to camp | to go camping | faire du camping [1] | |||||||
faire un pique-nique | to have a picnic | to go fishing | aller à la pêche | |||||||
marcher | to walk | to have a picnic | faire un pique-nique | |||||||
méditer (sur) | to meditate (about) | to meditate (about) | méditer (sur) | |||||||
monter | to climb | to relax | se détendre | |||||||
prendre un bain de soleil | to sunbathe | to rest | se reposer | |||||||
se bronzer | to get tanned | to sleep outdoors | coucher à la belle étoile | |||||||
se détendre | to relax | to sunbathe | prendre un bain de soleil | |||||||
se reposer | to rest | to walk | marcher | |||||||
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