Return to vocabulary index | Vocabulary List la géographie - geography |
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Français | Anglais | English | French | |||||||
la | géographie | geography | geography | la | géographie | |||||
est | east | east | est | |||||||
nord | north | north | nord | |||||||
nord-est | northeast | northeast | nord-est | |||||||
nord-ouest | northwest | northwest | nord-ouest | |||||||
ouest | west | south | sud | |||||||
sud | south | southeast | sud-est | |||||||
sud-est | southeast | southwest | sud-ouest | |||||||
sud-ouest | southwest | west | ouest | |||||||
les | Alpes | the | Alps | the | Alps | les | Alpes | |||
la | Manche | the | English Channel | the | Arctic Ocean | l' | océan Arctique [m] | |||
la | mer des Caraïbes | the | Caribbean Sea | the | Atlantic Ocean | l' | océan Atlantique [m] | |||
la | mer Méditerranée | the | Mediterranean Sea | the | Caribbean Sea | la | mer des Caraïbes | |||
l' | océan Arctique [m] | the | Arctic Ocean | the | English Channel | la | Manche | |||
l' | océan Atlantique [m] | the | Atlantic Ocean | the | Indian Ocean | l' | océan Indien [m] | |||
l' | océan Indien [m] | the | Indian Ocean | the | Mediterranean Sea | la | mer Méditerranée | |||
l' | océan Pacifique [m] | the | Pacific Ocean | the | Pacific Ocean | l' | océan Pacifique [m] | |||
le | Tropique du Cancer | the | Tropic of Cancer | the | Tropic of Cancer | le | Tropique du Cancer | |||
le | Tropique du Capricorne | the | Tropic of Capricorn | the | Tropic of Capricorn | le | Tropique du Capricorne | |||
l' | arrondissement [m] | the | district | the | bay | la | baie | |||
l' | autoroute [f] | the | highway | the | border | la | frontière | |||
la | baie | the | bay | the | bridge | le | pont | |||
le | bois | the | woods | the | cape | le | cap | |||
la | campagne [1] | the | country | the | capital | la | capitale | |||
la | campagne [2] | the | countryside | the | city | la | ville [1] | |||
le | cap | the | cape | the | city [2] | la | cité | |||
la | capitale | the | capital | the | cliff | la | falaise | |||
la | carte | the | map | the | climate | le | climat | |||
le | champ | the | field | the | continent | le | continent | |||
la | cité | the | city [2] | the | country | la | campagne [1] | |||
le | climat | the | climate | the | countryside | la | campagne [2] | |||
la | colline | the | hill | the | creek | le | ruisseau [2] | |||
le | continent | the | continent | the | desert | le | désert | |||
la | côte | the | shore | the | district | l' | arrondissement [m] | |||
le | désert | the | desert | the | earth | la | terre [2] | |||
l' | équateur [m] | the | equator | the | equator | l' | équateur [m] | |||
l' | état [m] | the | state | the | field | le | champ | |||
l' | étroit [m] | the | strait | the | forest | la | forêt | |||
la | falaise | the | cliff | the | geography | la | géographie | |||
le | fleuve [1] | the | large river | the | gulf | le | golfe | |||
Français | Anglais | English | French | |||||||
le | fleuve [2] | the | river | the | hemisphere | l' | hémisphère [m] | |||
la | forêt | the | forest | the | highway | l' | autoroute [f] | |||
la | frontière | the | border | the | hill | la | colline | |||
la | géographie | the | geography | the | island | l' | île [f] | |||
le | golfe | the | gulf | the | key | la | légende [2] | |||
l' | hémisphère [m] | the | hemisphere | the | kilometer | le | kilomètre | |||
l' | île [f] | the | island | the | lake | le | lac | |||
le | kilomètre | the | kilometer | the | land | la | terre [1] | |||
le | lac | the | lake | the | large river | le | fleuve [1] | |||
la | latitude | the | latitude | the | latitude | la | latitude | |||
la | légende [1] | the | legend | the | legend | la | légende [1] | |||
la | légende [2] | the | key | the | longitude | la | longitude | |||
la | longitude | the | longitude | the | map | la | carte | |||
la | mer | the | sea | the | mile | le | mille | |||
le | mille | the | mile | the | mountain | la | montagne | |||
le | monde | the | world | the | nation | le | pays | |||
la | montagne | the | mountain | the | ocean | l' | océan [m] | |||
l' | océan [m] | the | ocean | the | peninsula | la | péninsule | |||
le | pays | the | nation | the | plain | la | plaine | |||
la | péninsule | the | peninsula | the | pole | le | pôle | |||
la | plaine | the | plain | the | region | la | région | |||
le | pôle | the | pole | the | river | le | fleuve [2] | |||
le | pont | the | bridge | the | river bank | la | rive | |||
la | région | the | region | the | sea | la | mer | |||
la | rive | the | river bank | the | shore | la | côte | |||
la | rivière | the | small river | the | small river | la | rivière | |||
la | rue | the | street | the | state | l' | état [m] | |||
le | ruisseau [1] | the | stream | the | strait | l' | étroit [m] | |||
le | ruisseau [2] | the | creek | the | stream | le | ruisseau [1] | |||
la | terre [1] | the | land | the | street | la | rue | |||
la | terre [2] | the | earth | the | town | la | ville [2] | |||
la | vallée | the | valley | the | valley | la | vallée | |||
le | village | the | village | the | village | le | village | |||
la | ville [1] | the | city | the | volcano | le | volcan | |||
la | ville [2] | the | town | the | woods | le | bois | |||
le | volcan | the | volcano | the | world | le | monde | |||
les | continents [m] | the | continents | the | continents | les | continents [m] | |||
l' | Afrique [f] | Africa | Africa | l' | Afrique [f] | |||||
l' | Amérique du Nord [f] | North America | Antarctica | l' | Antarctique [m] | |||||
l' | Amérique du Sud [f] | South America | Asia | l' | Asie [f] | |||||
l' | Antarctique [m] | Antarctica | Australia | l' | Australie [f] | |||||
l' | Asie [f] | Asia | Europe | l' | Europe [f] | |||||
l' | Australie [f] | Australia | North America | l' | Amérique du Nord [f] | |||||
l' | Europe [f] | Europe | South America | l' | Amérique du Sud [f] | |||||
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