Return to vocabulary index | Vocabulary List les magasins [m] - the stores |
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Français | Anglais | English | French | |||||||
les | magasins [m] | the | stores | the | stores | les | magasins [m] | |||
l' | agence de voyages [f] | the | travel agent | the | antique dealer | le | marchand d'antiquités | |||
l' | arrêt de bus [m] | the | bus stop | the | bakery | la | boulangerie | |||
la | banque | the | bank | the | bank | la | banque | |||
la | bijouterie | the | jeweler | the | beauty salon | le | salon de beauté | |||
la | blanchisserie | the | laundry | the | bookshop | la | librairie | |||
la | boucherie | the | butcher shop | the | bus station | la | gare routière | |||
la | boulangerie | the | bakery | the | bus stop | l' | arrêt de bus [m] | |||
la | boutique | the | shop | the | butcher shop | la | boucherie | |||
la | boutique d'articles de sports | the | sports shop | the | café | le | café-bar | |||
la | boutique de chaussures | the | shoe shop | the | cake shop | la | pâtisserie | |||
la | boutique de disques | the | record store [1] | the | camera store | le | magasin d'appareils photo | |||
la | boutique de vêtements | the | clothes store | the | candy store | la | confiserie | |||
le | bureau de tabac | the | tobacco shop | the | clothes store | la | boutique de vêtements | |||
la | cabine de téléphone | the | telephone booth | the | cobbler (female) | la | cordonnière [1] | |||
le | café-bar | the | café | the | cobbler (male) | le | cordonnier [1] | |||
la | charcuterie | the | delicatessen | the | delicatessen | la | charcuterie | |||
le | coiffeur | the | hairdresser | the | department store | le | grand magasin | |||
la | confiserie | the | candy store | the | dry cleaner | la | teinturerie | |||
le | cordonnier [1] | the | cobbler (male) | the | fish shop | la | poissonnerie | |||
le | cordonnier [2] | the | shoemaker (male) | the | florist | le | fleuriste | |||
la | cordonnière [1] | the | cobbler (female) | the | gift shop | le | magasin de souvenirs [1] | |||
la | cordonnière [2] | the | shoemaker (female) | the | greengrocer | le | vendeur de fruits et légumes | |||
l' | épicerie [f] | the | grocery store | the | grocery store | l' | épicerie [f] | |||
le | fleuriste | the | florist | the | hairdresser | le | coiffeur | |||
la | gare routière | the | bus station | the | hairdressing salon | le | salon de coiffure | |||
le | grand magasin | the | department store | the | hardware store | la | quincaillerie | |||
l' | horloger [m] | the | watchmaker | the | jeweler | la | bijouterie | |||
le | kiosque à journaux | the | newsstand | the | laundry | la | blanchisserie | |||
la | librairie | the | bookshop | the | liquor store | le | magasin de vins et spiritueux | |||
le | magasin d'appareils photo | the | camera store | the | merchant | le | marchand | |||
le | magasin de jouets | the | toy store | the | needlecraft shop | la | mercerie | |||
le | magasin de souvenirs [1] | the | gift shop | the | newsstand | le | kiosque à journaux | |||
le | magasin de souvenirs [2] | the | souvenir shop | the | optician (female) | l' | opticienne [f] | |||
le | magasin de vins et spiritueux | the | liquor store | the | optician (male) | l' | opticien [m] | |||
le | marchand | the | merchant | the | pharmacy | la | pharmacie | |||
le | marchand d'antiquités | the | antique dealer | the | record store [1] | la | boutique de disques | |||
le | marchand de disques | the | record store [2] | the | record store [2] | le | marchand de disques | |||
la | mercerie | the | needlecraft shop | the | shoe shop | la | boutique de chaussures | |||
le | négociant en vins | the | wine merchant | the | shoemaker (female) | la | cordonnière [2] | |||
l' | opticien [m] | the | optician (male) | the | shoemaker (male) | le | cordonnier [2] | |||
l' | opticienne [f] | the | optician (female) | the | shop | la | boutique | |||
la | papeterie | the | stationary store | the | souvenir shop | le | magasin de souvenirs [2] | |||
la | pâtisserie | the | cake shop | the | sports shop | la | boutique d'articles de sports | |||
la | pharmacie | the | pharmacy | the | stationary store | la | papeterie | |||
la | poissonnerie | the | fish shop | the | supermarket | le | supermarché | |||
la | quincaillerie | the | hardware store | the | telephone booth | la | cabine de téléphone | |||
le | salon de beauté | the | beauty salon | the | tobacco shop | le | bureau de tabac | |||
le | salon de coiffure | the | hairdressing salon | the | toy store | le | magasin de jouets | |||
le | supermarché | the | supermarket | the | travel agent | l' | agence de voyages [f] | |||
la | teinturerie | the | dry cleaner | the | watchmaker | l' | horloger [m] | |||
le | vendeur de fruits et légumes | the | greengrocer | the | wine merchant | le | négociant en vins | |||
faire des courses | to go shopping | to go shopping | faire des courses | |||||||
faire le marché | to shop at the market | to shop at the market | faire le marché | |||||||
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