Return to vocabulary index | Vocabulary List les meubles [m] - the furniture |
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Français | Anglais | English | French | |||||||
les | meubles [m] | the | furniture | the | furniture | les | meubles [m] | |||
l' | armoire [f] | the | wardrobe | the | armchair | le | fauteuil | |||
la | chaise | the | chair | the | bed | le | lit | |||
la | commode | the | dresser | the | book | le | livre | |||
le | congélateur | the | freezer | the | bookcase | l' | étagère [f] | |||
la | cuisinière | the | stove | the | chair | la | chaise | |||
l' | étagère [f] | the | bookcase | the | clock | l' | horloge [f] | |||
le | fauteuil | the | armchair | the | clothes dryer | le | sèche-linge | |||
le | four | the | oven | the | curtain | le | rideau | |||
l' | horloge [f] | the | clock | the | dishwasher | le | lave-vaisselle | |||
le | lampadaire | the | floor lamp | the | dresser | la | commode | |||
la | lampe | the | lamp | the | floor lamp | le | lampadaire | |||
le | lave-vaisselle | the | dishwasher | the | freezer | le | congélateur | |||
le | lit | the | bed | the | lamp | la | lampe | |||
le | livre | the | book | the | mirror | le | miroir | |||
la | machine à laver | the | washing machine | the | oven | le | four | |||
le | magnétoscope | the | VCR | the | picture | le | tableau | |||
le | miroir | the | mirror | the | refrigerator | le | réfrigérateur | |||
le | réfrigérateur | the | refrigerator | the | rug | le | tapis | |||
le | rideau | the | curtain | the | sofa | le | sofa | |||
le | sèche-linge | the | clothes dryer | the | stereo | la | stéréo | |||
le | sofa | the | sofa | the | stove | la | cuisinière | |||
la | stéréo | the | stereo | the | table | la | table | |||
la | table | the | table | the | television | la | télévision | |||
le | tableau | the | picture | the | VCR | le | magnétoscope | |||
le | tapis | the | rug | the | wardrobe | l' | armoire [f] | |||
la | télévision | the | television | the | washing machine | la | machine à laver | |||
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