Return to vocabulary index | Vocabulary List le temps - the weather |
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Français | Anglais | English | French | |||||||
le | temps | the | weather | the | weather | le | temps | |||
l' | averse [f] [1] | the | downpour | the | blizzard | la | tempête de neige | |||
l' | averse [f] [2] | the | shower | the | climate | le | climat | |||
le | bonhomme de neige | the | snowman | the | cloud | le | nuage | |||
la | boule de neige | the | snowball | the | clouds | les | nuages | |||
la | brise marine | the | sea breeze | the | degree | le | degré | |||
le | brouillard | the | fog | the | downpour | l' | averse [f] [1] | |||
la | bruine | the | drizzle | the | drizzle | la | bruine | |||
la | brume | the | mist | the | flood | l' | inondation [f] | |||
la | chaleur | the | heat | the | fog | le | brouillard | |||
le | climat | the | climate | the | frost | la | gelée | |||
le | degré | the | degree | the | hail | la | grêle | |||
les | éclairs [m] | the | lightning | the | heat | la | chaleur | |||
la | gelée | the | frost | the | humidity | l' | humidité [f] | |||
la | grêle | the | hail | the | lightning | les | éclairs [m] | |||
l' | humidité [f] | the | humidity | the | mist | la | brume | |||
l' | inondation [f] | the | flood | the | rain | la | pluie | |||
la | neige | the | snow | the | sea breeze | la | brise marine | |||
la | neige fondue | the | sleet | the | shower | l' | averse [f] [2] | |||
le | nuage | the | cloud | the | sleet | la | neige fondue | |||
les | nuages | the | clouds | the | snow | la | neige | |||
l' | orage [m] | the | thunderstorm | the | snowball | la | boule de neige | |||
la | pluie | the | rain | the | snowman | le | bonhomme de neige | |||
le | soleil | the | sun | the | sun | le | soleil | |||
la | température | the | temperature | the | temperature | la | température | |||
la | tempête de neige | the | blizzard | the | thunderstorm | l' | orage [m] | |||
Il fait beau. [1] | It's beautiful. | How's the weather? | Quel temps fait-il? [1] | |||||||
Il fait beau. [2] | It's nice outside. | If the weather's nice… | S'il fait beau… | |||||||
Il fait beau. [3] | It's nice weather. | It's bad weather. | Il fait mauvais. [1] | |||||||
Il fait chaud. | It's hot. | It's beautiful. | Il fait beau. [1] | |||||||
Il fait des éclairs. | It's lightning. | It's cloudy. [1] | Il fait nuageux. | |||||||
Il fait du brouillard. | It's foggy. [1] | It's cloudy. [2] | Il y a des nuages. | |||||||
Il fait du soleil. | It's sunny. [1] | It's cold. | Il fait froid. | |||||||
Il fait du tonnerre. | It's thundering. | It's cool. | Il fait frais. | |||||||
Il fait du vent. | It's windy. [1] | It's foggy. [1] | Il fait du brouillard. | |||||||
Il fait frais. | It's cool. | It's foggy. [2] | Il y a du brouillard. | |||||||
Il fait froid. | It's cold. | It's going to rain. | Il va pleuvoir. | |||||||
Il fait humide. | It's humid. [1] | It's going to snow. | Il va neiger. | |||||||
Il fait mauvais. [1] | It's bad weather. | It's hot. | Il fait chaud. | |||||||
Il fait mauvais. [2] | It's nasty outside. | It's humid. [1] | Il fait humide. | |||||||
Il fait nuageux. | It's cloudy. [1] | It's humid. [2] | Il y a de l'humidité. | |||||||
Il fait très chaud. | It's very hot. | It's lightning. | Il fait des éclairs. | |||||||
Il fait très frais. | It's very cool. | It's nasty outside. | Il fait mauvais. [2] | |||||||
Il fait très froid. | It's very cold. | It's nice outside. | Il fait beau. [2] | |||||||
Il neige. | It's snowing. | It's nice weather. | Il fait beau. [3] | |||||||
Il pleut à verse. | It's pouring. | It's overcast. | Le temps est couvert. | |||||||
Il pleut. | It's raining. | It's pouring. | Il pleut à verse. | |||||||
Il va neiger. | It's going to snow. | It's raining. | Il pleut. | |||||||
Il va pleuvoir. | It's going to rain. | It's snowing. | Il neige. | |||||||
Il y a de la grêle. | There's hail. | It's sunny. [1] | Il fait du soleil. | |||||||
Il y a de l'humidité. | It's humid. [2] | It's sunny. [2] | Il y a du soleIl. | |||||||
Il y a des éclairs. | There's lightning. | It's thundering. | Il fait du tonnerre. | |||||||
Il y a des giboulées. | There are sudden showers. | It's very cold. | Il fait très froid. | |||||||
Il y a des nuages. | It's cloudy. [2] | It's very cool. | Il fait très frais. | |||||||
Il y a des rafales. | There are gusts of winds. | It's very hot. | Il fait très chaud. | |||||||
Français | Anglais | English | French | |||||||
Il y a du brouillard. | It's foggy. [2] | It's windy. [1] | Il fait du vent. | |||||||
Il y a du soleIl. | It's sunny. [2] | It's windy. [2] | Il y a du vent. | |||||||
Il y a du tonnerre. | There's thunder. | There are gusts of winds. | Il y a des rafales. | |||||||
Il y a du vent. | It's windy. [2] | There are sudden showers. | Il y a des giboulées. | |||||||
Le temps est couvert. | It's overcast. | There's hail. | Il y a de la grêle. | |||||||
Quel temps fait-il? [1] | How's the weather? | There's lightning. | Il y a des éclairs. | |||||||
Quel temps fait-il? [2] | What's the weather? | There's thunder. | Il y a du tonnerre. | |||||||
S'il fait beau… | If the weather's nice… | What's the weather? | Quel temps fait-il? [2] | |||||||
s'éclaircir | to clear up | to clear up | s'éclaircir | |||||||
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