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Métro: Pyramides


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Jardin du Palais Royal before or after
enjoying great wine at Willi's.


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Travel Log

by Anne-Marie

Le Vélib’ Sur La Sellette





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AudioFrench.com is an on-line French audio dictionary with thousands of sound files, accompanying text, and video clips to help you learn, practice, and enjoy the French language.


The site contains vocabulary lists, verb conjugation tables, and topical phrases to help the foreign language student and international traveler. Fluent French speakers author all the sound files. Both English-to-French and French-to-English written translations are presented.


You will hear French words, while you see French words, simultaneously, which helps you learn. Just double-click and listen.


Inside AudioFrench.com you will find:

  • Vocabulary Lists. Extensive words lists organized by subject matter. Sort by French or English translation. Each French word is linked to a sound file recorded by a fluent French speaker.

  • Verb Tables. Conjugations for over 200 verbs - irregular, regular, and exceptions (regular verbs with spelling exceptions). Sound files include subject pronouns and auxiliary verbs. Each table includes English translation.

  • Word Videos. On-line videos of each subject list and verb conjugation, with English translation. Helps reinforce the sight-with-sound approach to learning French. All are *.mov format and downloadable.


  • Quick Reference Verb Tables. Convenient form of individual verb tables mentioned above, arranged by alphabet, person, and tense - all linked to sound files. Just glance-and-click.

    • To see tables of the most commonly used verbs, arranged by person and tense...click here!

  • Expressions for...At the restaurant. Some helpful conversation to better experience dinner at a Parisian restaurant.

  • Travel log...Le Vélib’ Sur La Sellette. The darling of Parisians and tourists...a conservation project to reduce congestion and pollution. Anne-Marie describes its pluses and minuses.

  • Travel log...Une nouvelle fascination pour Van Gogh. Join with Arnaud and Emilie as they explore the Musée d'Orsay and Auvers-sur-Oise...the last home of Vincent Van Gogh.

  • Be sure to check out 10 Tips for Traveling To Paris.

  • Helpful Links. Recommended sites, products, and other resources for learning French and visiting Paris. Nearly all recommendations listed based on first-hand experience.

  • Please note the customized Google Search at bottom of page to further help you locate French words throughout the site.

  • Guidelines. To ensure you can hear the sound files on-line, download and print.

All individual sound files and word videos on AudioFrench.com can be downloaded for personal use to practice off-line on your computer or your portable media player. (Please see Terms of Use.) You can build your own customized vocabulary lists and integrate into other educational language tools, like flashcard software.


Free and on-line since 2004 with minimal pop-ups ads. Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome. If you find the site helpful, please consider making a small donation to help cover its nominal expenses.


Pour votre plaisir, Charles


Quick Reference Verb Table
Audio by Marie-Paule         View All Verb Tables

AVOIR to have          


Personnes Présent Passé
Imparfait Futur Conditionnel Subjonctif Impératif
j' ai ai eu avais aurai aurais que j'aie
tu as as eu avais auras aurais que tu aies Aie !
il a a eu avait aura aurait qu'il ait  
nous avons avons eu avions aurons aurions que nous ayons Ayons !
vous avez avez eu aviez aurez auriez que vous ayez Ayez !
ils ont ont eu avaient auront auraient qu'ils aient

Recommend RealPlayer or Windows Media Player for *.mp3 sound files.
QuickTime for *.mov word videos and Adobe Reader for *.pdf printable view files.


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